
How to do devotions with daily reading | Daily devotional today

Bible reading isn't the easiest thing to do, but you can make sure you do it. You just have to follow a few simple steps, and by the end of the year, you will have read the whole Bible. 

This blog will look at the different steps and why it is important to do Bible reading each year.

1. Why is daily devotional - Bible reading so important?

Reading the Bible is one of the most important things we can do as Christians. The Bible is the most important book we can read. It is the book that tells us how to know God and how to be saved. We need to read the Bible for our salvation, for our knowledge of God, and for our growth.

Bible reading is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and your faith. It is a great tool to enrich your knowledge and grow your relationship with God.  The more you delve into God's word, the more you will open your pathway to peace and joy and continue faith growth. 

What is great about the Bible is that it is so easy to read. Unlike many books, the Bible is written in a simple way that captures even the most basic of readers. It is a book that has something for everyone. Jesus comes alive in our hearts when we have an in-depth search for the word of God.

We are lucky to have such a powerful resource at our disposal, and I am sure many others would also love to read the Bible. The problem is that many of us do not. 

Wisdom comes when we are curious to understand God in full depth. "Wisdom it the principal thing."

Bible reading is often put on the back burner in favor of work, other activities, and other commitments. 

I have found that it is important to set aside time for bible reading and, more importantly, to have a routine that works for you. By having a routine, you will be more likely to stick with it.

2. How to read the Bible in one year.

To read the Bible through the year, you must read two chapters daily. Depending on your schedule, you will have to read the first chapter by the time you wake up and the second chapter before bed. 

When you wake up, get into the daily devotion routine; open your Bible, read the first chapter and when you go to sleep, read the second chapter. If you do this daily, you will have full meditation of the Bible in one year. After you read the Bible, you can pray.

3. What are the components of a good bible reading plan (the devotionals, ministry of personal growth)?

A good bible reading plan should be broken down into quarters. It is best to have a plan that have you reading the Bible through in one year plus a few extra months. 

If you are using a reading plan that has you reading through the Bible in a year, it is best to read at least two chapters a day. This means that you will be reading 50 chapters a week. 

4. What are the resources you need?

The scriptures is an encouragement for our souls. It is written, "You shall know the truth, and it shall set you free." Reading through the Bible in a year is a wonderful way to understand the scripture better. For this purpose, it is helpful to have various resources at your disposal. 

Here are the four primary resources you may want to consider: 

1. Set of good Bible notes; 

2. Bible reading plan; 

3. Online Bible resources (Bible Gateway etc.); 

4. Personal study Bible (for additional help)

If you want to read through the Bible, you need a place to keep track of your reading. There are many different ways to do this. One thing is to use a planner or journal. Many prefer to keep a digital journal, such as an Evernote notebook. Others prefer using a physical journal such as a Moleskine.

Our Father in heaven is on our side to help us understand his word. The language of the Bible is better understood through sincere meditation.

You may consider using extra tools to augment your bible understanding. They will enhance your bible learning ability. Here are a few apps and tools that are interesting and effective. 

Tool 1 - Logos Bible Software: Presenting the Bible in a simple format, it is a great development tool for any level. 

Tool 2 - Bible Combo devotion app with applied multi-language text and download audio devotion. 

Tool 3- YouVersion Bible App: This app provides multiple translations, including the NIV and KJV, among others. 

Tool 4 - Bible Browser: The most popular translation of the Bible online, this is a great website to read your bible online.

Let’s face it; there are always challenges when someone wants to do enough good to be considered a real Christian. The enemy will want to discourage your adventure to know God more. However, no one is beyond’s grace. 

There is always the temptation to be lazy and give up, but we can never give up. Christ is the end of the war, and we have the authority over our enemy. Satan and his evil actions are no longer in charge. In Christ, we have the power to be victorious.

What are the challenges to prepare for when engaging in bible study

  1. Distraction. To have spiritual growth is like trying to escape from spiritual ignorance. The presence of God comes with the effort; therefore, the adversary with want to throw everything possible to derail the effort. So be encouraged to resist the devil!
  2. Mind instability, such as having unnecessary critical questions to create doubt. Joy and strength come when we read the law of the Lord. Satan will make you question anything that can unveil those benefits.
  3. Persecution from close relatives and associates. Satan is the author of confusion. Even your best friend may turn his back on you as you attempt to receive God's benefits through reading the word of God.

How to overcome challenges during bible study

  1. Staying focused to achieve the goal - of having meaningful Bible learning. We are strengthened when our eyes are set on the mark. Looking ahead to be happy and practical experience through the guidance of Holy Ghost. 
  2. Prayerfully read the Bible, don’t just assume you read a book. You’re reading God’s book, which infuriates Satan. He understands that you are about to get blessed, and he doesn’t like that. So, having a conversation with God to give us reflection ability is necessary. This, in turn, makes us connect with our Maker. We must always remember that prayer through the Holy Spirit makes us strong.
  3. Keep track of what you are reading. This will help you to consciously pursue reading through and make something meaningful out of it.

Let's always remember: People change. Often it's for the worse, but sometimes it's for the better. It's important for us to grow. When we adapt, we need to learn to do it in a way that allows us to maintain our relationship with others.

We need to become more like Christ, and we can only do that by reading the Bible. Reading the Bible gives us insight into God's love. It gives us the ability to make positive changes. It teaches us to worship and control our desires. It helps us see that is the savior of the world.

What better time to speak to than morning and afternoon? We realize the love of and admit to his grace, through salvation that comes when we search the Scriptures to understand the source of knowledge. Psalm 119:134-135

Reading the Bible allows us to accomplish our goals and control our lives. We can celebrate our Savior in knowing that it was He who gave us the Bible.

We hope you enjoyed our article on how to do Bible reading throughout the year. It can be overwhelming if you aren't sure where to start or how to set up a Bible reading plan. Hope this has helped to achieve something to an extent.

Find a plan that works for you so that you can start your journey through the Bible today! 

If you have any questions about the Bible or about where to start, please feel free to contact us anytime via email or at Thank you for reading!