
Using The Authority In God’s Name

Goliath led the Philistine army to constantly harass Israelites for forty days. Goliath being huge in stature and very skilled a warrior, could not be confronted by any Israelite. The gentile soldier cursed Israelites and deviled their God, and no Israelite soldier was confident enough to challenge him, including King Saul. Meanwhile, a young boy (not old enough to be enlisted as a soldier) named David had enough courage to stand against Goliath and challenged him to fight. David was peculiar about silencing an infidel who defiled God and his army. The boy said,

“What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Samuel 17:26). However, Goliath ridiculed David and cursed him by his gods. David only responded with few words before the battle began, and his response was, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied” (1 Samuel 17:45).

David eventually killed Goliath in the battle, and he ensured that glory was given to the living God of Israel.


Goliath was a representation of Satan who constantly harassed Israelites for forty days until God empowered David to permanently silence him (1 Samuel 17:26). Satan still has many Goliaths that he uses to harass God’s children today, and they must be silenced also! The same procedure that David used to silence the first Goliath should also be explored to silence any other Goliath that may feature in a Christian's life. Christians' weapons against any generation of Goliaths should not be misconceived to be physical, but they must be understood to be spiritual. Believers are meant to utilize prayers to subdue Satan in his efforts. Even though he may bring multiple confrontations, they will all be subdued through prayers of faith! Believers must understand that Satan does not have power over prayers - God does! The enemy will flee when a Christian mentions the name of Jesus Christ in his/her prayer. Hence, all children of God ought to exercise their faith and utilize their God-given power to overcome Satan.

For example:

1. A person who has marital challenges should say, “I command Satan to flee from my marriage in the name of Jesus Christ! My marriage is an institution of God, and I am determined to enjoy it!”

2. A person who experiences a health challenge should say, “I command Satan to withdraw his hands from my health in Jesus' name! I claim the good and perfect health of God, and I obtain an antidote to my health problems from the blood of Jesus Christ. I declare my healing today, tomorrow, and forever – in the name of Jesus Christ.”

3. A person who lacks resources should say, “I rebuke Satan and I command him to remove his dirty hands from my resources! God is rich and I am rich also! I destroy poverty in my life and I declare myself a rich person. I claim my total victory over poverty today and forever – in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen.”


Dear Jesus Christ, please help me to exercise my authority reserved in your name. Empower me to subdue all forms and appearances of Goliath in my life. Anoint me with your Holy Spirit to exercise my faith in a manner that will benefit your kingdom, and also prosper my life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I make my requests. Amen.

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Posted By: James Taiwo