Jesus’ Pattern For Saving The World
Jesus revealed his status as Christ – the Messiah of the world. He also revealed his intention to resurrect from death and save the world. Jesus said,
“If I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to myself” (John 12:32).
Jesus is Christ, and he is Lord. He has formed the pattern through which he would save the world. Christ’s master plan was to die and resurrect from the dead in order to save the world. He did all things according to plan. He endured the persecutions of his enemies and he died on the cross; he was buried in the grave, but he resurrected back to life on the third day! After his resurrection, he held conferences with his disciples and he assured them that he would also resurrect them from death. The Savior also promised to apply the same principle to anyone who would believe him afterward. All people who believe in Jesus Christ shall be resurrected from death to life, and they shall be transported to heaven on the last day. Meanwhile, Jesus did not promise to resurrect unbelievers to heaven. Unfortunately, unbelievers would have their portions in hell fell – where there shall be everlasting torments! Hence, anyone who wants to go to heaven must believe and accept Jesus Christ as Lord.
Dear Jesus Christ, I will stop wasting my time by living in unbelief! I do not want to play with hellfire anymore; therefore, I confess my sins and I repent from them. I also confess you, Jesus Christ, as my personal Lord and Savior, and I believe that you have died for my sins and resurrected to give me eternal life. Since I have become your child, I am very sure that you will resurrect me from death to life, and I will go to heaven. I am now heavenly bound! Yes, I am going to heaven; shame to devil and glory to God! Amen.