
Confidence In God

God asked the Israelites to demonstrate courage and not fear their enemies during battles. They mustn't fear their enemies even if they outnumber them. God asked his children to always remember his past faithfulness and use it to build confidence for their future victory. The same God who brought them out of Egypt and made them successfully pass through the wilderness will remain on their sides to help them win every battle that may come their way in the future. God said to Israelites,

“When you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the Lord your God is with you, who brought you up from the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 20:1) 


Children of God are to remain confident in God under whatever circumstance. No matter the type of battle they confront - whether physical or spiritual - God is able to overcome it. The Creator will fight for his children at all costs and award us victory. Believers must never forget that the same God who is in control of the entire world affairs is on our side, he is big enough to overpower whatever influence our enemies may have. He will override the enemies' sophisticated skills and weapons for the sake of glorifying His name in our lives.


Dear God, I believe you are the God of miracles, and you will surely perform your miracles to my advantage! Therefore, I am asking that you stand on my behalf to show yourself strong and glorify your name. Please silence my enemies and override their evil desires against my life. Fight my battles and give me victory! Let me have rest in every aspect of my life so that I can have a testimony and glorify your holy name. For in the name of Jesus Christ, I make my requests. Amen.

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Posted By: James Taiwo