
Being Prayerful To God

Jesus prayed for his disciples, and he prayed for himself also. He said to Peter,

“...Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to me, strengthen your brethren” (Luke 22:31-32). Jesus also challenged his disciples to pray for themselves; he practically demonstrated his teaching. The scripture reported, “Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed, and His disciples also followed Him. When He came to the place, He said to them, “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done” (Luke 22:39-42).


Christians have no other weapon than prayers. We must pray to overcome any challenge that confronts us. Nothing should be considered to be too small or too big to pray about. When we pray to God, it signifies that we depend on God for help, and we are waiting to receive an answer. Prayer also signifies that we trust that omnipotent God has a strong capability to handle our situations. It is an absolute fact to state that God answers all prayers. He will respond to his children’s requests. Sometimes, his response may be ‘Yes’, ‘No’, or ‘Later.’


Yes, I believe that God has the infinity power of greatness to handle all situations. God can handle any situation, including mine! Therefore, I pray that God should subdue every mountain of challenges that exist in my life. I ask God to destroy the power of sin, sickness, poverty, and other evil that exist in my life. I also ask God to anoint me with grace to live in good health and prosper me throughout the days of my life. God should also enable me with grace to faithfully serve him throughout the days of my life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I make my requests. Amen.

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Posted By: James Taiwo