
A Believer Who Falls In To Sin Must Repent

God dey disappointed to see Israelites persisted fo their rebellion behavior, despite Hin warning. Therefore, Hin promised to severely punish dem until dem exercise repentance. (Israelites go suffer from dea enemy weh go dissolve dea nation). God tell Ezekiel, 

“...And you, man pikin, na wetin di Lord God say to land of Israel bi dis: End don come! The end don come to di four corners of di land. Now di end don come fo you, and I go send my anger against you; I go judge you according to your way, and I go repay you fo all your abominations. My eye no go spare you, not to talk say i get pity; but I go repay your ways, and your abominations go dey  your midst; Then you go know sey I bi di Lord!’ “ Na di Lord God talk am: ‘One disaster, one singular disaster; make you see, e don come! An end don come, di end don come; Ie don finish fo you; See am well, e don come! Doom don come to you, una weh dey live fo di land; di time don come, one day of trouble don near, And nobi to rejoice in di mountains. Now upon you I go soon pour out my fury, and spend my anger upon you; I go judge you according to your way, and I go repay you fo all your abominations” (Ezekiel 7:1-8). 


God hates sin as a detestable disease. Sin force Hin hands to withdraw Hin benefits from Hin own pipu. Devil rejoice wen one kristian commits sin, because he go get opportunity to strike against him/her -  especially wen repentance no dey exercised. However, konsequence fo sin no dey dey easy to predict, since anybody no know how God go respond. Fo most cases, di kind punishments awarded fo sinful action dey appear outrageous! However, God weh exercise judgment fo punishment dey mostly interested in repentance of Hin pipu. He expects sinner to repent and return to hin or her true love of Kĺrist, so that devil go be put to shame. Jehovah go restore any sinner weh come to Am - no matter di kain gravity of his or her sin. Hence, every pikin of God suppose konsider to dey  serve God in di beauty of hin holiness. Any believer weh fall into sin suppose konsider am as a must to repent and change to God so that devil go be put to shame, and God go be glorify. A person weh walk carefully before hin Maker go enjoy Hin divine benefit, but a rebellion pikin go incur hin Maker rod of punishment. 


Dear God, which advantage  I get inside   rebelliousness behavior? Wetin go be my gain if I sin or I refuse to repent kommot from my sin? Nobi devil go be glorify inside my sin? Fo dis reason, I don dey determined to walk before you in di beauty of holiness. I go do anything you tell me to do, and I go obey you fo all aspects of my life. In as much as I get your grace, I go faithfully serve you and dey obey your instruction, so that I fit prosper. I beg give me simple and sincere heart to walk before you in godly fear. Enable me to dey humble to repent from my sin, and give me grace to dey do your will throughout di days of my life. Fo in Oga Jesus Krist name I make my requests. Amen. 

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Posted By: James Taiwo